Video and Sound

Video and Sound

Allows you to create video or lydspots to your playlist.

 LiveConnect CDS can play the following formats:

Video type Filtype
AVI .avi .divx .amv
MPEG-PS .mpg .mpeg .mpe .m1v .m2v .mpv2 .mp2v .m2p .vob .evo .mod
MPEG-TS .ts .m2ts .m2t .mts .pva .tp .tpr
MP4 .mp4 .m4v .mp4v .mpv4 .hdmov
MOV .mov
3GP .3gp .3gpp .3g2 .3gp2
Windows Media .wmv .asf
RealMedia .rmvb .rm
Digital Video .dv
Material Exchange Format .mxf
DHAV .dav

We recommend Windows Media (.wmv)

Video playback is always fully scaled in the layer it is placed in.

NB.: All videos and audio files to be uploaded to the file archive BEFORE they can be used in a playlist!

To create a video or lydspot in your playlist, do the following:

  1. Select the playlist you want to create the media in.
  2. Click "Add Media" at the top of the main window.
  3. Select "Video / Audio" and click "Select".
  4. Enter a name to the media in the "Name".
  5. Choose which video / audio file to play in the "Content".
  6. Click "Save".

The media will now be created in the playlist.