PowerPoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Microsoft PowerPoint is a widely used presentation system that makes it easy to create great-looking presentations and slide shows. LiveConnect CDS can run presentations in PowerPoint 97-2003 format.

NB.:  All files (PPT / PPS) must be uploaded to the file archive BEFORE they can be used in a playlist!!
You should be aware that PowerPoint presentations can not be created in layers, but always want to scale up to full screen.

To upload a PowerPoint presentation, do the following:

  1. To Select the "File Manager".
  2. Select "All folders "and select" Power Point ".
  3. The "Upload to folder" and select "Browse" and find the Power Point file you created and click "Start Download".
  4. Go to the next point: To create a PowerPoint media in your playlist.

 To create a PowerPoint media in your playlist, do the following:

  1. Select the playlist you want to create the media in.
  2. Click "Add Media" at the top of the main window.
  3. Select "PowerPoint" and click on select.
  4. Enter a name to the media in the "Name".
  5. Select the PowerPoint presentation to be played in the "Choose File".
  6. Click "Save".

The media will now be created in the playlist.